Dec 22, 2021 | Absence of Conflict, Christian Colleges, Culture War, Evangelical Education, Fundamentalism, Harold Heie, Let's Talk, Messiah College, Respectful Conversations, Safe Schools |
by William Trollinger Cover of Harold Heie’s Let’s Talk: Bridging Divisive Lines through Inclusive and Respectful Conversations (Cascade Books, 2021). In this time of wretched culture war – with its hateful rhetoric and threats of violence fueled by an...
Sep 20, 2021 | #BlackLivesMatter, #ChurchToo, #MeToo Movement, Active-Passivism, American Democracy, American Exceptionalism, American History, Beth Moore, Christian Nationalism, Citizenship, Clifford Geertz, Complementarian Theology, Conservatism, Conservative Evangelicals, Culture War, Digital Church, Digital Rhetorical Ethnography, Donald Trump, Elections, Evangelical Rhetoric, Evangelicals, Founder's Rhetoric, Gender Roles, History and Politics, John Fea, Megachurches, Narrative Patterns, Religious Rhetorics, Republicans, Samuel Perry, Southern Baptist Convention, Stephanie A. Martin, Thomas Frank, Trump Supporters, Uncategorized |
by Patrick Thomas Sam (Stephanie A. Martin) is a scholar of public address and political communication, with a particular interest in the public discourses of conservative social movements, especially evangelical voters. She has written or edited three books, most...
Sep 6, 2021 | American Creationism, Answers in Genesis, Anticommunism, Bodie Hodge, Butler Act, Carl R. Weinberg, Clarence Darrow, Conservative Evangelicals, Creationism, Culture War, Darwin, David Goldstein, Donald Trump, Evolution, Frederick Engels, George McCready Price, Henry Morris, Institute for Creation Science, J. Frank Norris, John Scopes, Karl Marx, Ken Ham, Labor Battles, Martha Moore Avery, Marxism, Red Dynamite, Religion and Science, Robert Jeffress, Satanism, Science, Scopes Trial, Secularism, Social Evolution, Socialism, William Bell Riley, William Jennings Bryan, Young Earth Creationism |
by William Trollinger Book Cover for Carl R. Weinberg’s Red Dynamite: Creationism: Culture Wars, and Anticommunism in America (2021, Cornell University Press) Carl R. Weinberg is Senior Lecturer in the College of Arts and Sciences and Adjunct Associate Professor...
Aug 12, 2021 | Answers in Genesis, Christian Nationalism, Culture War, Donald Trump, Ken Ham, Pedophilia, QAnon, Secularism, Trey Smith, White Evangelicals, White Nationalism |
by William Trollinger Ken Ham’s Secular Worldview. Image via Facebook. Referring to the image displayed here, which Ken Ham has circulated via Twitter and Facebook, a friend asked if, by adding the “pedophilia” flag to the “secular worldview” fortress, Ham “is...
Jul 29, 2021 | Biblical Interpretation, Biblical Literalism, Capitol Riot, Conservatism, Conservative Evangelicals, Culture War, Deborah Tannen, Evangelical Leaders, Evangelical Rhetoric, Fundamentalism, Gerhard Van Rad, Insurrection, Political Rhetoric, Religion and Politics, Rodney Kennedy, Sodom, Toxic Masculinity |
by Rodney Kennedy Rodney Kennedy has his M.Div. from New Orleans Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Rhetoric from Louisiana State University. The pastor of 7 Southern Baptist churches over the course of 20 years, he pastored the First Baptist Church of Dayton (OH)...
Jul 23, 2021 | Areligious, Capitol Riot, Census of American Religion, Christian Right, Climate Change, Conservative Evangelicals, Culture War, Evangelical Rhetoric, Evangelical Youth, Evangelicals, Fundamentalism, Immigration, Insurrection, James Heft, S.M., Jan Stets, Jerry Falwell Jr., Jerry Falwell, Sr., Jesus, LGBT Issues, Politics, Racism, Religion and Politics, Religious Non-Affiliation, Religious Rhetorics, White Evangelicals, White Jesus |
by William Trollinger Update: This post is republished over at Red Letter Christians on July 30, 2021. A participant in the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol poses with a Bible. Image credit: John Minchillo/AP via Word and Way . The headlines tell the...