Adam Laats
Professor, Binghamton University (State University of New York)
Adam Laats taught middle and high school for ten years in Milwaukee. He earned his PhD in U.S. History at the University of Wisconsin—Madison in 2007. Professor Laats studies the history of American education. He is interested in the history of cultural battles over schooling and school reform. His books have examined the campaigns of conservative evangelical Protestants in both K-12 and higher education, the history of creation/evolution debates, and the evolution of conservative thinking about K-12 education. His current research examines the first systematic attempt at urban school reform in American history. He blogs about history, religion, and education at I Love You but You’re Going to Hell and tweets at @AdamLaats.
Featured Publications
Fundamentalist U: Keeping the Faith in American Higher Education (Oxford University Press, 2018)
Teaching Evolution in a Creation Nation, with philosopher Harvey Siegel (University of Chicago Press, 2016)
The Other School Reformers: Conservative Activism in American Education (Harvard University Press, 2015).
Recent Posts by Adam Laats
Child Soldiers in the Creation/Evolution War
The T-Word in Evangelical Higher Education
Looking In From the Outside: Evangelical Colleges and Donald Trump
The Perilous Challenge of Keeping Evangelical Colleges Safely Orthodox
The Evolution of Creationism in American Higher Education: Part 2
The Evolution of Creationism in American Higher Education: Part 1