Sep 29, 2018 | #MeToo Movement, Calvin College, Christian Colleges, Congregational Library, Elesha Coffman, Emily Hunter McGowin, Gender Roles, Institutional Religion, Margaret Bendroth, Righting America, Southern Baptist Convention |
by Margaret Bendroth One thing that the #MeToo movement and the Ford-Kavanaugh hearings have made blindingly clear is that sexual harassment/abuse is not simply or even primarily a matter of abusive individuals. Instead, it is very much about institutions – be they...
Jul 9, 2018 | #MeToo Movement, Adam Laats, Elesha Coffman, Emily Hunter McGowin, Evangelicals, J.D. Greear, Paige Patterson, Rodney Kennedy, Southern Baptist Convention, Wheaton College |
With the May 2018 firing of Paige Patterson as president of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) the #MeToo movement hit the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) full force. But in response a group of wealthy donors – pledging their “absolute and...
Jul 5, 2018 | #MeToo Movement, Adam Laats, Elesha Coffman, Emily Hunter McGowin, Fundamentalist U, J.D. Greear, Margaret Bendroth, Paige Patterson, Southern Baptist Convention |
by William Trollinger It appears the battle in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is just beginning. And that is not a surprise. At the most recent SBC convention in Dallas the moderate (or, somewhat less conservative) forces seemed to have carried the day, with...
Jun 13, 2018 | #MeToo Movement, Albert Mohler, Battle for the Minds, Emily Hunter McGowin, Fundamentalism and Gender, Gender Roles, Margaret Bendroth, Molly Marshall, Paige Patterson, Southern Baptist Convention |
by Margaret Bendroth Today’s post is by Margaret Bendroth, executive director of the Congregational Library and Archives in Boston, and a historian of American religion. Her books include Fundamentalism and Gender, 1875 to the Present (Yale 1993) and Women and...
Jun 12, 2018 | #MeToo Movement, Andy Savage, Bill Hybels, Elesha Coffman, Emily Hunter McGowin, Gender Roles, John Howard Yoder, Jr., Karl Barth, Paige Patterson, Paul Tillich, Southern Baptist Convention |
by Elesha Coffman Today’s post is written by Elesha Coffman, assistant professor of history at Baylor University and author of The Christian Century and the Rise of the Protestant Mainline (Oxford). She is a graduate of Wheaton College and Duke University. First off,...
Jun 11, 2018 | #MeToo Movement, Emily Hunter McGowin, Gender Roles, Paige Patterson, Southern Baptist Convention, Todd Littleton |
by Emily McGowin Today’s post is from frequent rightingamerica contributor Emily Hunter McGowin, who is Associate Lecturer of Theology at Wheaton College. She is the author of Quivering Families: The Quiverfull Movement and Evangelical Theology of the Family. She...