Righting America

A forum for scholarly conversation about Christianity, culture, and politics in the US
Evangelical Youth | Righting America

So Much Good Stuff to Read about Evangelicals, Part Three

by William Trollinger As we have said before, one of the few benefits of the Donald Trump presidency is that many smart journalists and scholars are now writing about white evangelicals in an effort to understand these Christians who make up his most loyal...

The Specter of Jesus

by William Trollinger The fact that white evangelicals have given us President Donald Trump has forced a significant minority of American evangelicals into profound self-examination. Some are simply abandoning the label. One of the most prominent is David Gushee,...

So Much Good Stuff to Read (about Evangelicals and Donald Trump): Part Two

by William Trollinger One of the few benefits of the Donald Trump presidency that many smart journalists and scholars are now writing about white evangelicals in an effort to understand these Christians who make up his most loyal constituency. The challenge is that so...