Righting America

A forum for scholarly conversation about Christianity, culture, and politics in the US
John Fea | Righting America

An Evangelical Purge, an Evangelical Rebellion and then, Signs of Hope (Really?)

by William Trollinger Harold Heie. Photo via Respectful Conversations It is absolutely true that, as John Fea likes to point out, not all evangelical colleges are the same. Not all evangelical schools have signed on to Ken Ham’s uninspiring list of Creation Colleges....

Was Jerry Falwell, Jr. the Last Great Fundamentalist Emperor?

by William Trollinger William Bell Riley. Photo courtesy of Minneapolis Star-Tribune. I will get to Jerry Falwell, Jr. in a moment. But first, a look at the first great fundamentalist emperor. I fell in love with the “new social history” at the University of...

Six Smart Responses to the Wedding of White Evangelicalism and the Political Right

by William Trollinger We have said it again and again, but the emergence of the Christian Right as the GOP’s most reliable constituency AND then – most dramatically – the election of Donald Trump as president has resulted in all sorts of very smart people looking...