Susan L Trollinger
Professor, University of Dayton
Susan L. Trollinger is Professor of English at the University of Dayton where she teaches courses in visual rhetoric, religious rhetoric, and writing both for the English Department and UD’s Core Integrated Studies Program. Her research interests include classical rhetoric, visual rhetoric and the rhetorics (visual and otherwise) of the Amish, Amish Country tourism, Anabaptism, creationism, evangelicalism, fundamentalism, and feminism. Her books include Selling the Amish: The Tourism of Nostalgia and, most recently, Righting America at the Creation Museum (with William Trollinger, Jr.), which was selected as a 2016 Times Higher Education (UK) Book of the Week. In 2017, she received the Outstanding Scholarship Award from the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Dayton, and in 2016, she received the Faculty Excellence Award for Research from the Southwestern Ohio Council of Higher Education.
Featured Publications
Righting America at the Creation Museum (with William Vance Trollinger, Jr.). Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016.
Recent Posts by Susan L. Trollinger
The Rhetoric of the Lost Cause All Over Again, and Again
Getting Beyond the Culture War: One Inspiring Example
We Believe in Dinosaurs: A Must-See Documentary on Ark Encounter
Anti-Vaxxers and Answers in Genesis
Never Mind His Teachings — Jesus is on the A-Team!
Christians Aren’t Sinners. Really?
Slaughtering 200 Million Unborn (Among Others): The Angry God of Young Earth Creationism