Righting America

A forum for scholarly conversation about Christianity, culture, and politics in the US
Ark Encounter | Righting America

Weaponizing Amish Culture: NPR Academic Minute and Interview with Susan Trollinger

Susan Trollinger is Professor of English at the University of Dayton. Among other publications, she is the author of Selling the Amish: The Tourism of Nostalgia (Johns Hopkins, 2012). She is also co-author (with William Trollinger) of Righting America at the Creation...

Climate Change Denial for Creationist Kids

by Glenn Branch  Glenn Branch is deputy director of the National Center for Science Education, a nonprofit organization that defends the integrity of American science education against ideological interference. He is the author of numerous articles on evolution...

Fight Laugh Feast: Christian Nationalists Gather at Ark Encounter

by William Trollinger Screenshot of the Fight Laugh Feast 2023 Conference at Ark Encounter.  According to the Public Religion Research Institute, 29% of Americans and 50% of Republicans are full-blown Christian nationalists or Christian nationalist sympathizers....

Ignorance is Bliss, or, The Joys of Not Thinking about Those Enduring Eternal Torment

by William Trollinger “The Cry of the Damned Souls in Hell,” produced by Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide A few years ago here at the University of Dayton a very bright evangelical graduate student took my M.A. class on Protestant Christianity. While we...

At Ark Encounter, It’s All About Hell 

by William Trollinger Placard from inside the Ark Encounter. Photo by Susan L. Trollinger. In my last post, I highlighted the ways in which the Noah family featured at the Answers in Genesis (AiG) tourist site, Ark Encounter, bears remarkable similarities to...

The Zone of Interest, Auschwitz, and Ark Encounter

by William Trollinger Still photo from of The Zone of Interest (2023), directed by Jonathan Glazer. Image via bookandfilmglobe.com. The Zone of Interest will be on my mind for a long, long time. This powerfully disturbing film about the Holocaust (perhaps the best I...