Apr 11, 2017 | Age of the Earth, Answers in Genesis, Bible, Biblical Literalism, Creation Science, Creationism, Evolution, Historical Science, Ken Ham, Observational Science, Science, Young Earth Creationism |
by Susan Trollinger In our last post, we mentioned in passing that Ken Ham and AiG like to refer to Genesis as an “eye witness account” to the creation. Importantly, that is their trump card on evolution. Readers of this blog will remember that a key rhetorical move...
Apr 7, 2017 | Answers in Genesis, Ark Encounter, Bible, Biblical Literalism, Ken Ham, Noah's Flood |
by Susan Trollinger As readers of this blog know well, for Ken Ham and his comrades at AiG reading Genesis literally—as an accurate history of the origins of the universe (an “eyewitness account”, as they like to say)—is of paramount importance. To do otherwise is to...
Feb 16, 2017 | Answers in Genesis, Bible, Biblical Literalism, Creation Museum, Creation Science, Creationism, Evangelicals, Lee Dixon, Righting America, Science, Young Earth Creationism |
by Lee Dixon Today’s post features our colleague, Dr. Lee Dixon, Associate Professor and Interim Chair of the Department of Psychology at the University of Dayton. Lee reports on his recent visit to the Creation Museum, raising questions about the museum’s messages...
Dec 15, 2016 | Answers in Genesis, Bible, Biblical Literalism, Bodie Hodge, Creationism, Fundamentalism, History, Ken Ham, Racial Justice, Racism, Slavery, Young Earth Creationism |
by William Trollinger As we noted in our last post, Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis (AiG) expend a good deal of energy – in the Creation Museum and in their writings – making the case that racist hatred and intolerance is unbiblical. This would seem commendable,...
Oct 28, 2016 | Answers in Genesis, Bible, Biblical Interpretation, Creation Museum, Creationism, Patrick Thomas |
by Patrick Thomas In this post, Patrick Thomas examines the process of re-configuring the word of God into a multimedia experience for Creation Museum visitors. Each time I have left the Creation Museum, I have felt dizzy and a bit overwhelmed. Part of the reason is...
Oct 25, 2016 | Bible, Biblical Interpretation, Christian Colleges, Creationism, Evangelical Education, Frederick W. Schmidt, Young Earth Creationism |
by Frederick Schmidt Frederick W. Schmidt is the Rueben P. Job Chair in Spiritual Formation at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, IL and blogs at Patheos.com From the vantage point of exegetical scholarship, one of the most troubling phrases in the...