Righting America

A forum for scholarly conversation about Christianity, culture, and politics in the US
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The Consequences of Winning (or, Who Really Won the Ham-Nye Debate?)

by Susan Trollinger and William Trollinger When Bill Nye (the Science Guy) debated Ken Ham (CEO of Answers in Genesis, parent organization of the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter), many commentators said that Ham won the debate just by being on stage with Bill Nye...

Scientific Commentary: A Reflection and An Invitation

by Patrick Thomas Patrick Thomas reflects upon the contributions of our colleagues from the natural sciences from our recent series, Putting Observational Science to the Test. In his book The Lie, Ken Ham delineates the differences between “observational” and...

Science and the Problem of Inerrancy

by Patrick Thomas Today’s post is from Patrick Thomas, whose work has mostly been behind the screen of rightingamerica.net. Below, he considers our recent posts on inerrancy at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter to provide an introduction to our forthcoming...