Jan 12, 2018 | Answers in Genesis, Ark Encounter, Biblical Interpretation, Biblical Literalism, Descent into Darkness, Karen Naim, Sin |
by Karen Naim Last fall, Sue taught an upper-division (undergraduate) course in the English Department at the University of Dayton on visual rhetoric. In that course, her students read a variety of theoretical/critical books and essays that explore how images,...
Sep 25, 2017 | Anti-Semitism, Biblical Interpretation, Christian Right, Church, Donald Trump, Emily Hunter McGowin, Evangelicals, Israel, Racism |
by Emily McGowin Emily Hunter McGowin has a PhD in theology from the University of Dayton and MDiv from Truett Seminary. Her work is at the intersection of religion, theology, and ethnography. Her first book, Quivering Families: The Quiverfull Movement and Evangelical...
Jun 16, 2017 | Biblical Interpretation, Creation Museum, Culture War, Evangelicals, Fundamentalism, Maria Stein, Pete Cajka, Politics, Righting America |
by Peter Cajka In his conclusion to this week’s series, Dr. Pete Cajka compares the political implications of each site’s displays, focusing on the ways both sites critique secularization of local, national, and transnational cultures. V: Politics:...
Jun 15, 2017 | Bible, Biblical Interpretation, Creation Museum, Maria Stein, Pete Cajka |
by Peter Cakja Today’s post continues Dr. Pete Cajka’s series on religious imaginations and the design of the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY and the Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics in Maria Stein, OH. In this third installation, Pete addresses...
Jun 13, 2017 | Bible, Biblical Interpretation, Creation Museum, Maria Stein, Pete Cajka |
by Peter Cajka Today we feature the second in a five-part series by our colleague, Dr. Pete Cajka. Dr. Cajka’s previous post introduced readers to his extended analysis comparing the Creation Museum and the Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics. Below, Pete...
May 29, 2017 | AiG Finances, Answers in Genesis, Ark Encounter, Bible, Biblical Interpretation, Christian Right, Creationism, Culture War, Donald Trump, Evangelical Education, Fundamentalism, intolerance, Ken Ham, Persecution, TIF Bonds, Williamstown, Young Earth Creationism |
by William Trollinger On the face of it, the notion that evangelicals in the United States are being persecuted seems absurd. Just look at the 2016 election. Donald Trump becomes president, thanks in good part to the support of 81% of white evangelicals. His Vice...