Righting America

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Cedarville University | Righting America

A Whitewashing at Cedarville (Even While the Stories Keep Multiplying)

by William Trollinger Members of the Cedarville University Board of Trustees Mark Vroegop (left) and Daniel Akin (right) have resigned after university President Thomas White (center) was reinstated. Photo courtesy of churchleaders.com There are now even more painful...

Cedarville Faculty Compile Resources for New and Incoming Students

In recent weeks we have written extensively about the scandal surrounding Cedarville University President Thomas White and his hiring and removal of known sexual predator Anthony Moore.  As more details of the scandal have come to light, concerned faculty at...

A Pastor’s Resignation and a Former Student’s Story: More on the Wreckage Wrought by the Fundamentalist Takeover of Cedarville

by William Trollinger Grace Baptist Church. Photo courtesy of CedarSnap The Cedarville University saga goes on and on and on and on and on and on.  But finally, someone has lost their job, apparently for their role in covering up for the sexual offender at the...

“You Are Made to Feel Like an Enemy”: Even More Stories from the Toxic Academic Community that is Cedarville

Introduced by William Trollinger Cedarville President Thomas White in Chapel. Photo credit: Anna DeWine, Xenia Daily Gazette For those of you who have not kept up on the ongoing Cedarville scandal, see here, here, here, here, and here.  And here are some...

A “Culture of Silencing, Denial, and Psychological Manipulation”: The Stories from Cedarville University Just Keep Piling Up

Introduced by William Trollinger Image for Dr. Thomas White’s Chapel Podcast. Image via Cedarville University. Here’s the very short version of what has been going down at Cedarville: Southern Baptist fundamentalist and Paige Patterson protégé Thomas White...

Rape, Sexual Harassment, and More: The Cedarville Stories are Multiplying

by William Trollinger Thomas White, president of Cedarville University with Founders Hall in the background on May 6, 2014. (Columbus Dispatch photo by Tom Dodge) Here is the short version of the Cedarville scandal. (For the full version, see here, here, and here.)...