Righting America

A forum for scholarly conversation about Christianity, culture, and politics in the US
The Village Church | Righting America

The Best of rightingamerica in 2022

by William Trollinger Exterior of Ark Encounter. Image by Susan L. Trollinger (March 15, 2022). It was another good year for rightingamerica, both in the variety of authors’ voices and topics, and in the number and variety of visitors/viewers. Regarding the latter,...

The Cedarville Interpreter, or, Thomas White Can’t Silence (all) the Students

by William Trollinger Homepage of The Cedarville Interpreter. For the past nine years the Cedarville University administration has done everything in its power to eliminate discussion of any ideas mildly at variance with the patriarchal Christian Right ideology...

A Pastor’s Resignation and a Former Student’s Story: More on the Wreckage Wrought by the Fundamentalist Takeover of Cedarville

by William Trollinger Grace Baptist Church. Photo courtesy of CedarSnap The Cedarville University saga goes on and on and on and on and on and on.  But finally, someone has lost their job, apparently for their role in covering up for the sexual offender at the...

The Scandal Deepens at Cedarville University

by William Trollinger Portrait taken by HAF/IMMP, via thouarttheman Things are bad at Cedarville University, with the revelation a few days ago that in 2017 the school knowingly hired a sexual predator who rapidly became a central figure at the school.  (Go here...

“Biblically Consistent” Cedarville University Knowingly Hires and Then (Three Years Later) Fires Sexual Abuser

by William Trollinger Inauguration of Thomas White as President of Cedarville University. Photo Credit: Samuel L. Huck, Cedarville University (2014) Just when I thought I had seen it all in American evangelicalism, here comes this story from Cedarville University....