Righting America

A forum for scholarly conversation about Christianity, culture, and politics in the US
Judgment | Righting America

Hell: Jesus, the Early Church, and Answers in Genesis

by William Trollinger Image of an unhoused person, via invisiblepeople.tv. And now, the final movement in my “Summer of 2024 Hell Quartet.” (For the first three movements, see: here, here, and here.) Ken Ham, Martyn Iles, and their compatriots at Answers in Genesis...

The Best of rightingamerica in 2022

by William Trollinger Exterior of Ark Encounter. Image by Susan L. Trollinger (March 15, 2022). It was another good year for rightingamerica, both in the variety of authors’ voices and topics, and in the number and variety of visitors/viewers. Regarding the latter,...

The Gospel According to Ken Ham: Chapter Two

by William Trollinger Screenshot from Ken Ham’s Facebook page, with a quote from the Gospel of Matthew and linking to a Fox News story. Image via Facebook. One of the distinctive ways in which fundamentalists make use of the Bible is proof-texting, i.e., pulling...

Culture War Christianity, and The Joys of Damning To Hell Those With Whom You Disagree

by William Trollinger According to Ken Ham, Joe Biden and his ilk are “The Enemy.” As it was in the days of Noah, so it is now. And damnation is coming. The year after Ark Encounter opened in 2016, Answers in Genesis (AiG) put out a booklet entitled A Pocket Guide to...

“Social Justice is Anti-Biblical”: Ken Ham as Promoter of Biblical Illiteracy

by William Trollinger Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Image via abc7Chicago.com. Every time I think that things can’t get worse at Answers in Genesis (AiG), they do. The ever-intrepid Dan Phelps has noticed that on March 05, 2021 AiG replaced their original...

Galloping to Hell: Genesis: Paradise Lost

by Susan Trollinger and William Trollinger Genesis: Paradise Lost Movie. Image copyright Answers in Genesis (2019) In our recent article at The Conversation, “At the evangelical Creation Museum, dinosaurs lived alongside humans and the world is 6,000 years...