Dec 3, 2024 | Abortion, Anti-Immigration, Anti-Intellectualism, Christian Nationalism, Civil Rights Movement, Clarence Darrow, Conservative Evangelicals, Donald Trump, Evangelical History, Gay Marriage, George Lakoff, George W. Bush, H. L. Mencken, History, Ken Ham, Kevin Kruse, Moral Majority, Newt Gingrich, Racism, Randall Balmer, School Prayer, Scopes Trial, Temperance, White Christian Nationalism, White Evangelical Racism |
by Rodney Kennedy Rodney Kennedy has his M.Div from New Orleans Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Rhetoric from Louisiana State University. He pastored the First Baptist Church of Dayton (OH) – which is an American Baptist Church – for 13 years, after which he...
Sep 10, 2024 | American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Education, Atheism, Biology, Butler Act, Charles Darwin, Clarence Darrow, Edward Larson, Eugenics, Evolution, Glenn Branch, H. L. Mencken, Henry Morris, J. Frank Norris, James Gilbert, Jerry Bergman, John C. Whitcomb, John Scopes, Leonard Darwin, Michael Kazin, National Center for Science Education, Racism, Reverse Racism, Ruth Benedict, Scopes Trial, Second Ku Klux Klan, Stephen Jay Gould, Vincent Torley, White Evangelical Racism, William Jennings Bryan |
by Glenn Branch Glenn Branch is deputy director of the National Center for Science Education, a nonprofit organization that defends the integrity of American science education against ideological interference. He is the author of numerous articles on evolution...
Jan 13, 2022 | ACLU, Anti-Intellectualism, Clarence Darrow, COVID-19, Culture War, Darwin, Derrick Harkins, Donald Trump, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Evangelical History, Evangelical Rhetoric, Evangelicals, Evolution, Harry Emerson Fosdick, Historical Science, History, J. Frank Norris, James Forbes, Jeremiah Wright, Jerry Falwell, Sr., Lara Logan, Observational Science, Populism, Rand Paul, Robert Jeffress, Rodney Kennedy, Science, Scopes Trial, The Fundamentals, Tom Cotton, Tucker Carlson, William Sloane Coffin, Jr., Word&Way |
by Rodney Kennedy Editor’s Note: this piece appeared earlier this week at Word&Way. We are happy to share it here for our readers! Book Cover, Righting America at the Creation Museum by Susan L. Trollinger and William Vance Trollinger, Jr. (2016). Historians...
Sep 6, 2021 | American Creationism, Answers in Genesis, Anticommunism, Bodie Hodge, Butler Act, Carl R. Weinberg, Clarence Darrow, Conservative Evangelicals, Creationism, Culture War, Darwin, David Goldstein, Donald Trump, Evolution, Frederick Engels, George McCready Price, Henry Morris, Institute for Creation Science, J. Frank Norris, John Scopes, Karl Marx, Ken Ham, Labor Battles, Martha Moore Avery, Marxism, Red Dynamite, Religion and Science, Robert Jeffress, Satanism, Science, Scopes Trial, Secularism, Social Evolution, Socialism, William Bell Riley, William Jennings Bryan, Young Earth Creationism |
by William Trollinger Book Cover for Carl R. Weinberg’s Red Dynamite: Creationism: Culture Wars, and Anticommunism in America (2021, Cornell University Press) Carl R. Weinberg is Senior Lecturer in the College of Arts and Sciences and Adjunct Associate Professor...