Feb 17, 2025 | Abeka Publishing, Accelerated Christian Education, American Association of Christian Schools, American Federation for Children, Arif Panju, Baptist News Global, Biblically Consistent Curriculum, Bob Jones University, Christian Schooling, Creation Science, Creationism, Edwards v. Aguillard, Evangelical Education, Evolution, Faith Commons, Flood Narrative, Fossils, Greg Abbott, Homeschooling, Intelligent Design, Man-made Climate Change, Mara Richards Bim, Matt Ticzkus, Nathan Cunneen, Noah's Ark, Noah's Flood, Public Education, Purposeful Design Publications, Religious Freedom, Safe Schools, Scientific Creationism, Young Earth Creationism |
by Mara Richards Bim Mara Richards Bim serves as a Clemons Fellow with Baptist News Global (BNG) and as program director at Faith Commons. She is a spiritual director and a recent master of divinity degree graduate from Perkins School of Theology at SMU. She also...
Feb 7, 2025 | Bully for Brontosaurus, Burgess Shale, Creation Science, Creationism, Elliott Sober, Evolution, Faith: A Journey for All, Glenn Branch, Historical Science, Human Evolution, Jimmy Carter, Living Faith, Nathaniel Shaler, National Center for Science Education, Our Endangered Values, Paleontology, Probability, Religion and Politics, Religion and Science, Richard Dawkins, Rocks of Ages, Stephen Jay Gould, The Blind Watchmaker, William James, Wonderful Life |
by Glenn Branch Glenn Branch is deputy director of the National Center for Science Education, a nonprofit organization that defends the integrity of American science education against ideological interference. He is the author of numerous articles on evolution...
Feb 3, 2025 | 1619 Project, 1776 Commission, American Historical Association, American History, Black Reconstruction, Civil Rights Movement, Civil War, Communism, Constitution, Culture War, Donald Trump, Executive Orders, Fascism, History and Politics, Indoctrination, Jerry Davis, John C. Calhoun, Kevin Kruse, Reconstruction, Slavery |
by William Trollinger Last Wednesday the Trump Administration issued an executive order entitled “Ending Radical Indoctrination in K-12 Schooling,” which has as its goal to end “federal funding or support for illegal and discriminatory treatment and indoctrination in...