Righting America

A forum for scholarly conversation about Christianity, culture, and politics in the US
Historical Science | Righting America

Evangelicalism and the Desperate Need for Certainty

William Trollinger At the heart of much of evangelical apologetics is the promise that you can know that you know the truth. Not think or hope or have faith that you know the truth, but know that you know the truth. In particular, you can know with certainty – it has...

Presuppositionalism, the Fundamentalist Bubble, and Donald Trump

William Trollinger The fundamentalist bubble is not simply a matter of separate schools, institutions, and media. It is also a matter of separate ideas that cannot be challenged or disputed or proven untrue. It is a matter of impregnable presuppositions. At the...

Interpreting the Ark’s Apocalypse: Responding to Praise from Answers in Genesis

by Emma Bloomfield Today’s post comes from our colleague Emma Frances Bloomfield, an Assistant Professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, who studies the intersection of science, religion, and politics from a rhetorical perspective. She received her PhD from...

God as Eye Witness

by Susan Trollinger In our last post, we mentioned in passing that Ken Ham and AiG like to refer to Genesis as an “eye witness account” to the creation. Importantly, that is their trump card on evolution. Readers of this blog will remember that a key rhetorical move...