Nov 25, 2020 | 1619 Project, American Exceptionalism, American History, Conservative Evangelicals, Donald Trump, Fox News, History, Mayflower, Native Americans, Pilgrims, Politics, Slavery, Squanto, Thanksgiving, Tom Cotton, William Bradford |
by William Trollinger Senator Tom Cotton. Image courtesy of Newsweek. The masters of Twitter and the Blogosphere are once again dismantling Tom Cotton, Senator from Arkansas and Donald Trump wannabe. Cotton might have two Harvard degrees, but he is certainly proving...
Sep 25, 2020 | American History, Answers in Genesis, Anti-Intellectualism, Anti-Vaxxers, Ark Encounter, Biblical Literalism, Black Lives Matter, Climate Change, COVID-19, Creation Museum, Creation Science, Culture War, Darwin, Donald Trump, Evangelicals, God in a Nutshell, History, Ken Ham, Mark Noll, Politics, QAnon, Racism, Slavery, The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, Trey Smith, Vaccination, White Evangelicals, White Supremacy |
by William Trollinger Screenshot from Trey Smith’s The Coming Storm: A Donald J. Trump Documentary. Image via Youtube “Many, many soldiers . . . died for the freedom of many people of other shades and colors, some of whom were sold out by their own kinsmen and...
Jul 7, 2020 | Christian Ethics, Christian Right, Civil War, Colonization, Constantine, Crusades, Darwin, History, Jesus, Racism, Sermon on the Mount, Sin, Slavery |
by Susan Trollinger Modern Semi-Truck on a Twilight Highway. Image courtesy of Traveling east on I-70 the other day, Bill and I passed a semi with a sticker on the back of its trailer. It was a simple graphic on which appeared a four-lane road (drawn in...
Apr 10, 2020 | Biblical Interpretation, COVID-19, Creation Museum, Creation Science, David Lindberg, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Evangelicals, Evolution, George Marsden, History, Jerry Falwell Jr., Ken Ham, Liberty University, Religion and Science, Rodney Kennedy, Science, Scopes Trial, Stay-at-Home order, The River Church |
by Rodney Kennedy Rodney Kennedy has his M.Div. from New Orleans Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Rhetoric from Louisiana State University. The pastor of 7 Southern Baptist churches over the course of 20 years, he pastored the First Baptist Church of Dayton (OH)...
Dec 20, 2019 | Christianity Today, Culture War, Donald Trump, Evangelicals, Franklin Graham, History, Impeachment, Mark Galli, Mary Gauthier, Politics, Religious Rhetorics, White Evangelicals |
by William Trollinger On December 18, 2019, United States House of Representatives votes to adopt the articles of impeachment, accusing Donald Trump of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Source: House Floorcast – Clerk of the U.S. House of...
Oct 25, 2019 | Biblical Interpretation, Biblical Literalism, Christian Colleges, Christian Right, Fundamentalism, History, Kelsey Lahr, Politics, Racial Justice, Racism, Westmont College, White Jesus, White Supremacy |
by Kelsey Lahr Kelsey Lahr is a communication professor at Los Angeles Pacific University. Her scholarly interests include climate change communication and environmental rhetorics. She also works summers as a seasonal Ranger in Yosemite National Park. Her writing...