Righting America

A forum for scholarly conversation about Christianity, culture, and politics in the US
Rhetoric | Righting America

Creationism and The Rapture Are Perverse Rhetorics

by Rodney Kennedy  Rodney Kennedy has his M.Div. from New Orleans Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Rhetoric from Louisiana State University. He pastored the First Baptist Church of Dayton (OH) – which is an American Baptist Church – for 13 years, after which...

Quantity over Quality: Creationist Copia at the Discovery Center for Creation and Earth History

by Emma Frances Bloomfield  Today’s post comes from our colleague Emma Frances Bloomfield, Associate Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, who studies the intersection of science, religion, and politics from a rhetorical...

Leading Creationist Organisation Appoints Conspiracy Theorist To Key Position

by Paul Braterman Paul Braterman is Professor Emeritus in Chemistry, University of North Texas, and Honorary Research Fellow (formerly Reader) at the University of Glasgow. His research has involved topics related to the early Earth and the origins of life, and...

Is Donald Trump the Embodiment of Evil?: A Response To My Critics

by Rodney Kennedy Photo illustration by Derreck Johnson. Photo by David Becker/Getty Images. Via Slate.com. Rodney Kennedy has his M.Div. from New Orleans Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Rhetoric from Louisiana State University. He pastored the First Baptist...

Good and Evil in the Garden of Democracy: An Interview with Rodney Kennedy

by William Trollinger Rodney Kennedy has his M.Div. from New Orleans Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Rhetoric from Louisiana State University. He pastored the First Baptist Church of Dayton (OH) – which is an American Baptist Church – for 13 years, after which...

Hijacking History: An Interview with Kathleen Wellman

by William Trollinger Book cover for Kathleen Wellman’s Hijacking History: How the Christian Right Teaches History and Why It Matters (Oxford University Press, 2021). Kathleen Wellman is Dedman Family Distinguished Professor of History and Altshuler...