Apr 7, 2020 | Christian Right, CNN, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Evangelicals, Religion and Science, Science, Solid Rock Church, Uncategorized |
by William Trollinger The King of Kings statue at the Solid Rock church in Monroe, Ohio, before and during the fire that destroyed it. Photograph: Nick Graham/AP and Tiffani West-May/AP via The Guardian. Just down the road from us along I-75 is the evangelical Solid...
Dec 31, 2019 | American History, Biblical Interpretation, Christianity Today, Church, Culture War, Dispensational Premillennialism, Donald Trump, Evangelicals, Impeachment, James Graham, Jerry Falwell Jr., Jesus, Politics, Rodney Kennedy, Uncategorized, White Evangelicals, Young Earth Creationism |
by Rodney Kennedy Evangelical Leaders Pray over Donald Trump. November, 2019. White House Photo. Rodney Kennedy has his M.Div. from New Orleans Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Rhetoric from Louisiana State University. The pastor of 7 Southern Baptist churches...
Nov 19, 2019 | Bible, Biblical Interpretation, Calculus of Blessing, Christian Right, Christian Zionists, Daniel G. Hummel, Dispensational Premillennialism, Evangelicals, Israel, Prosperity Gospel, Uncategorized, White Evangelicals |
by Daniel G. Hummel Daniel G. Hummel works at Upper House, a Christian study center on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and is an honorary research fellow at UW-Madison. He is the author of Covenant Brothers: Evangelicals, Jews, and U.S.-Israeli...
Nov 8, 2019 | Donald Trump, Evangelicals, Kanye West, Larry Smith, Uncategorized, White Evangelicals |
by Larry Smith Larry Smith is Founder & President of Leading Edge Advisory Firm (LEAF LLC), a consultancy that he founded in 2009. LEAF helps academic, non-profit, for-profit, and faith-based organizations improve their efficiency and effectiveness....
Oct 8, 2019 | Uncategorized |
by William Trollinger Note: this post is featured on The Conversation. Raul Cano/Shutterstock These days, the term “fundamentalism” is often associated with a militant form of Islam. But the original fundamentalist movement was actually Christian. And...
Sep 24, 2019 | Capital Punishment, Christian Century, Death Penalty, Robert Jordan, Samuel McDonald, Uncategorized |
by William Trollinger Personal photo of Samuel McDonald. So much time has passed, and yet September 24 remains very painful. Twenty-two years ago today, I found myself sitting with five other civilians and four security guards in a tiny, cramped room in the bowels of...