Apr 22, 2017 | Age of the Earth, Creation Science, Creationism, Flood Geology, History, Noah's Flood, Young Earth Creationism |
by William Trollinger It is not enough for young Earth creationists to create an alt-science in which: the universe is 6000 years old (light years refer to distance, not time); a year-long global flood created the Grand Canyon and all of our geological strata; and...
Apr 19, 2017 | Age of the Earth, Answers in Genesis, Creation Science, Creationism, Evolution, Flood Geology, History, Noah's Flood, Science, Young Earth Creationism |
by William Trollinger Hard to believe, but true. Young Earth creationism is even weirder than you thought. Most outsiders to young Earth creationism focus on the alt-science that asserts that the universe is 6000 years old, a global flood in 2348 BCE accounts for all...
Apr 13, 2017 | Creationism, Evolution, Rodney Kennedy, Science, Young Earth Creationism |
by Rodney Kennedy Today’s post comes from our friend and colleague Dr. Rodney Kennedy. Rodney’s post is an excellent reminder of why language matters when it comes to understanding young earth creationism. There is no getting around it. Young earth...
Apr 11, 2017 | Age of the Earth, Answers in Genesis, Bible, Biblical Literalism, Creation Science, Creationism, Evolution, Historical Science, Ken Ham, Observational Science, Science, Young Earth Creationism |
by Susan Trollinger In our last post, we mentioned in passing that Ken Ham and AiG like to refer to Genesis as an “eye witness account” to the creation. Importantly, that is their trump card on evolution. Readers of this blog will remember that a key rhetorical move...
Mar 7, 2017 | Answers in Genesis, Apologetics, Biblical Literalism, Creation Museum, Creation Science, Creationism, Fundamentalism, Inerrancy, Ken Ham, Rodney Kennedy, Young Earth Creationism |
by William Trollinger Having spent almost a decade studying Answers in Genesis (AiG) and the Creation Museum, we sometimes forget how foreign the young earth creationist world is to a large swath of the American public. It was great to be at the First Baptist Church...
Feb 20, 2017 | Answers in Genesis, Ark Encounter, Biblical Literalism, Christian Right, Creation Museum, Creationism, Culture War, Donald Trump, Politics, Righting America, White Evangelicals, Young Earth Creationism |
by William Trollinger From the beginning, the dream was an exercise in the worst sort of wishful thinking. Over the past fifty-odd years, the Christian Right has been the most reliable constituency within the Republican Party. But over these same five decades,...