Camille Kaminski Lewis
Assistant Professor, Furman University
Camille Kaminski Lewis is an Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina. She holds a Ph.D. from Indiana University in Rhetorical Studies with a minor in American Studies. Her book, Romancing the Difference: Kenneth Burke, Bob Jones University, and the Rhetoric of Religious Fundamentalism, was a scholarly attempt to stretch the boundaries of both Kenneth Burke’s rhetorical theory on tragedy and comedy as well as stretch conservative evangelical’s separatist frames. The story of that publication is available at The KB Journal. Most recently, she edited the anthology White Nationalism and Faith: Statements and Counter-Statements on American Identity (Peter Lang, 2020). And she is currently working on a manuscript titled Klandamentalism: America’s Most Dysfunctional Romance.
Featured Publications
“‘The Bounds of Their Habitation’: Bob Jones’ Rhetorical Duel with Billy Graham,” Fides et Historia, 53:1 (Winter/Spring 2021): 37-59.
White Nationalism and Faith: Statements and Counter-Statements on American Identity, Peter Lang Publishers, 2020.
“‘I Come From Georgia!’: Andrew Cobb Erwin’s Southern Resistance to the Ku Klux Klan,” Rhetoric & Public Affairs, Fall 2020. [forthcoming].
“‘Remove Not the Ancient Landmarks’: Making the Confederate Distortions of Religion Apparent.” Was Blind But Now I See: Rhetoric, Race, Religion, and the Charleston Shootings, Lexington Books, 2019.
Recent Posts by Camille Kaminski Lewis
White Nationalism and Faith: An Interview with Camille Kaminski Lewis
More Blood than Bunk: Carl Sandburg for 2020
A Black Evangelical Has Schooled Ken Ham on Race and Racism . . . and Ken is Not Pleased
Taking Hate Seriously, or, Countering Christian White Nationalism
Stretching the Frames of Acceptance in an Evangelical Church