Righting America

A forum for scholarly conversation about Christianity, culture, and politics in the US
Biblical Authority | Righting America

Greedy for Certainty: The Strange Fruit of Literalism 

by Rodney Kennedy Rodney Kennedy has his M.Div. from New Orleans Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Rhetoric from Louisiana State University. He pastored the First Baptist Church of Dayton (OH) – which is an American Baptist Church – for 13 years, after which he...

From the Archives: Mirror Images: The Jefferson Bible and The Fundamentalist Bible

by William Trollinger Today we revisit a post from November 8, 2021 in which we examine the use of “creative editing” of the Bible that is done at the Creation Museum, especially when it comes to the representation of Jesus. Teachings of Jesus placard on...

Biblical Marriage Isn’t Biblical

by Paul Braterman Paul Braterman is Professor Emeritus in Chemistry, University of North Texas, and Honorary Research Fellow (formerly Reader) at the University of Glasgow. His research has involved topics related to the early Earth and the origins of life, and...

A New Museum: Competition in the Land of Young Earth Creationism

by William Trollinger  Screenshot from David Rives Ministries. Last Friday a reporter visited my office to interview me about the KKK in 1920s Ohio. He came here  having just visited Ark Encounter, and so I naturally asked him for his impression of Ken Ham’s...

Science And Politics At The Creation Museum

by Paul Braterman Editor’s Note: Below is Dr. Paul Braterman’s review of Righting America at the Creation Museum. For us, the best part of this generous review is that Braterman covers and understands all parts of our argument. More than this, we...

The Appallingly Bad History Promoted by Answers in Genesis

by William Trollinger Photo by Patricia Engler, via Answers in Genesis Sometimes this blog simply writes itself. A few weeks ago we ran a post on Kathleen Wellman’s Hijacking History: How the Christian Right Teaches History and Why It Matters (Oxford, 2021). In this...