Righting America

A forum for scholarly conversation about Christianity, culture, and politics in the US
Biblical Interpretation | Righting America

John Hagee and the Evolving Basis for Christian Zionism

by Daniel G. Hummel Daniel G. Hummel works at Upper House, a Christian study center on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and is an honorary research fellow at UW-Madison. He is the author of Covenant Brothers: Evangelicals, Jews, and U.S.-Israeli...

Getting Educated on Faith, Race, and Power at a Christian College

by Kelsey Lahr Kelsey Lahr is a communication professor at Los Angeles Pacific University. Her scholarly interests include climate change communication and environmental rhetorics. She also works summers as a seasonal Ranger in Yosemite National Park. Her writing...

Creating “Models” to “Confirm” Young Earth Creationism, or, How a Pair of Tortoises Travelled from the Amazon to the Seychelles

by William Trollinger “Seychelles Giant Tortoise eating” by flicksmores is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0  Young Earth creationism has its own, unusual scientific method. Most scientists will not recognize it as a “scientific...

Fundamentalists, Catholics, and Two Very Different Uses of Evolutionary Theory

by Pete Cajka Pete Cajka is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the American Studies Department at Notre Dame and a faculty affiliate with the Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism. He is an intellectual and cultural historian of the twentieth...

In Defense of Atheism

by Sarah Olson Sarah Olson is an undergraduate student majoring in microbiology at Oregon State University, and a member of the National Association of Science Writers. She works at a bookstore curating their science and math sections and reviews popular science books...