Oct 12, 2020 | Ad Hominem Attacks, AiG Finances, Allosaurus, Answers in Genesis, Ark Encounter, Ark Encounter Attendance, Clayton Brown, Creation Museum, Creation Research Society, Creation Science, Creationism, Culture War, Dan Phelps, David McMillan, Evolution, Flood Geology, Ken Ham, Monica Long Ross, Righting America, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Tax Breaks, We Believe in Dinosaurs, Young Earth Creationism | 1 comment
by Susan Trollinger and William Trollinger Image for “We Believe in Dinosaurs” documentary. If we were filmmakers, We Believe in Dinosaurs (directed by Monica Long Ross and Clayton Brown) is the film we would have wanted to make about the making of Ken...Feb 9, 2019 | Age of the Earth, Answers in Genesis, Answers Research Journal, Biblical Interpretation, Biblical Literalism, Cedarville University, Creation Research Society, Creation Science, Creationism, Culture War, Flood Geology, Genesis, Henry Morris, Historical Science, Institute for Creation Science, John C. Whitcomb, Ken Ham, Liberty University, Natural History, Noah's Flood, Observational Science, Science, Young Earth Creationism | 0 comments
by Susan Trollinger and William Trollinger As we indicated in our last post, Sue gave our second of four presentations at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Dayton, Ohio last Sunday. In the session, she talked about creation science and, in particular, the kinds of...