Righting America

A forum for scholarly conversation about Christianity, culture, and politics in the US
Genesis | Righting America

Child Soldiers in the Creation/Evolution War

by Adam Laats Adam Laats is Professor of Education and History (by courtesy) at Binghamton University (State University of New York). His books include: Fundamentalism and Education in the Scopes Era: God, Darwin, and the Roots of America’s Culture Wars...

A Belated Father’s Day Tribute, or Dad v. The Young Earth Creationists

by William Trollinger William Trollinger, Sr.’s Geologic Timetable William Trollinger, Sr. was a Denver-based petroleum geologist. He died in 2002. While I wish he were still around, I confess that I am glad he did not have to see the openings of the Creation...

The Anti-Creationist Conspiracy?

by Susan Trollinger and William Trollinger As we indicated in our last post, Sue gave our second of four presentations at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Dayton, Ohio last Sunday. In the session, she talked about creation science and, in particular, the kinds of...

The Wannabe Popes of Creationism Are on Shaky Ground

by William Trollinger For Answers in Genesis (AiG), the Bible is without error, and factually accurate in all things, including matters of science and history. Moreover, the Bible is perspicuous, easily understood by readers in all times and places. As a result, the...

Righting and Wronging America at the Creation Museum

by William Trollinger What will happen to museums in this post-truth age? Is there a productive way in which to respond to culture war rhetoric? These were but two of the questions Sue and I were asked in response to our presentation last Wednesday on “Righting and...

Papal Inerrancy For All but Francis

by Sean Martin Sean Martin is a fifth-year theology doctoral student at the University of Dayton writing on Catholic fundamentalism and Scott Hahn. Sean and his wife, Beth, currently live in Cincinnati with their infant daughter, Gwen. Sean has an MA in philosophy...