Righting America

A forum for scholarly conversation about Christianity, culture, and politics in the US
Museums | Righting America

The Making of a Creationist Theme Park: Part Two

Ark Encounter: The Making of a Creationist Theme Park (NYU, 2018) is the latest work from James Bielo. Below is the second half of the rightingamerica interview with James regarding this fascinating book. James S. Bielo is Assistant Professor in the Dept. of...

The Making of a Creationist Theme Park: Part One

Ark Encounter: The Making of a Creationist Theme Park (NYU, 2018) is the latest work from James Bielo. Below is the first half of the rightingamerica interview with James regarding this fascinating book. James S. Bielo is Assistant Professor in the Dept. of...

The Creation Museum as Megachurch

by Margaret M. Grubiak Margaret Grubiak is an associate professor of architectural history in the Department of Humanities at Villanova University. Margaret’s scholarship, including her first book on the history of university chapels, focuses on twentieth-century...

Studying Religious Rhetorics in the Time of Trump and Kavanaugh: Part One

by William Trollinger On the Saturday that Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed by the Senate as the newest justice on the Supreme Court, it was energizing and therapeutic to be in the company of smart and gracious scholars devoted to studying and explaining religious...

Interpreting the Ark’s Apocalypse: Responding to Praise from Answers in Genesis

by Emma Bloomfield Today’s post comes from our colleague Emma Frances Bloomfield, an Assistant Professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, who studies the intersection of science, religion, and politics from a rhetorical perspective. She received her PhD from...

Talking Young Earth Creationism with Historians

by William Trollinger Well, that was fun! At yesterday’s American Society of Church History session here in Washington on “Christianity in 20th Century American Politics” – which was ably and energetically chaired by Rebecca Koerselman (Northwestern College) – our...