Righting America

A forum for scholarly conversation about Christianity, culture, and politics in the US
Noah’s Flood | Righting America

An Unnecessary War? How Science and Christianity Conflict and Cooperate

by Sarah Olson Sarah Olson is an undergraduate student majoring in microbiology at Oregon State University, and a member of the National Association of Science Writers. She works at a bookstore curating their science and math sections and reviews popular science books...

White Supremacists, Fundamentalists, and the Ideology of Separation

by William Trollinger “Earth 2 – from Apollo 12” by Marc Van Nordenis licensed under CC BY 2.0 Once you “other” someone, then you can do anything to them. Rebecca Solnit is a wonderful writer, not just because she is masterful with words (and here I...

The Anti-Creationist Conspiracy?

by Susan Trollinger and William Trollinger As we indicated in our last post, Sue gave our second of four presentations at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Dayton, Ohio last Sunday. In the session, she talked about creation science and, in particular, the kinds of...

Why the Bible is Not Nearly Enough for Creationists

by Susan Trollinger and William Trollinger In his article, “Geocentrism and Creation,”  Answers in Genesis (AiG) resident astronomer Danny Faulkner laments that “while geocentrists are well intended, their presence among [young Earth] creationists produces...