May 27, 2019 | Charlottesville, Dayton, intolerance, KKK, Racial Justice, Racism, Rodney Kennedy, White Nationalism, White Supremacy |
by William Trollinger Hundreds of Counter-Protestors Demonstrate Against the KKK in Dayton, Ohio. Image source: PressFrom On Saturday afternoon, the Honorable Sacred Knights of Madison, Indiana held a rally in Courthouse Square in downtown Dayton. “Rally” is an...
May 21, 2019 | Dayton, Donald Trump, intolerance, KKK, Politics, Racial Justice, Racism, Talk To Me Program, Uncategorized, WCSU, White Nationalism, White Supremacy |
by William Trollinger Flier for William Trollinger’s upcoming presentation at Precious Blood Church in Dayton, Ohio. This Saturday, May 25, the Klan-affiliated Honorable Sacred Knights of Madison, Indiana will be holding a rally at Courthouse Square in downtown...
Apr 25, 2019 | Christian Colleges, Excalibur, Molly Worthen, Politics, Racial Justice, Racism, Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel, Taylor University, The New York Times, Tim Dillon, Westmont College, White Evangelicals, White Jesus, White Supremacy |
by William Trollinger There’s no getting around it. White evangelicalism has a race problem. And some white evangelicals are getting the message. So it is that some Westmont College students are agitating for the removal of the “white Jesus” in the campus...
Feb 5, 2018 | KKK, Persecution, Racial Justice, Racism, Slavery |
by William Trollinger “Was it the Ku Klux Klan who lynched a black man here in the 1870s?” This was the final question I (Bill) was asked Saturday afternoon at the Sandusky (OH) Library, after my presentation on “Terrorizing Immigrants and Catholics: The Ohio KKK in...
Dec 15, 2016 | Answers in Genesis, Bible, Biblical Literalism, Bodie Hodge, Creationism, Fundamentalism, History, Ken Ham, Racial Justice, Racism, Slavery, Young Earth Creationism |
by William Trollinger As we noted in our last post, Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis (AiG) expend a good deal of energy – in the Creation Museum and in their writings – making the case that racist hatred and intolerance is unbiblical. This would seem commendable,...
Dec 12, 2016 | Answers in Genesis, Creationism, Donald Trump, Ken Ham, Politics, Racial Justice, Racism, Uncategorized |
by William Trollinger In a recent blog post, “What ‘Race’ Are You?,” Ken Ham asserts that God’s Word makes it clear that there is only one race – the human race. We are all one big family – all descendants of one man and woman, Adam and Eve . . . Think how much our...