Righting America

A forum for scholarly conversation about Christianity, culture, and politics in the US
White Evangelicals | Righting America

The Murder of George Floyd, and Ken Ham’s Very Loud Silence

by William Trollinger George Floyd, who died May 25th, 2020 after a white police officer knelt on his neck for at least seven minutes. Photo from Facebook via Wikimedia Commons. So, when does silence equal racism? As everyone knows by now, on the evening of May 25, in...

Rape, Sexual Harassment, and More: The Cedarville Stories are Multiplying

by William Trollinger Thomas White, president of Cedarville University with Founders Hall in the background on May 6, 2014. (Columbus Dispatch photo by Tom Dodge) Here is the short version of the Cedarville scandal. (For the full version, see here, here, and here.)...

Discrimination as Love: Asbury, BYU, and LGBTQ+ Students

by Rebecca Barrett-Fox Rebecca Barrett-Fox is Professor of Sociology at Arkansas State University. The author of God Hates: Westboro Baptist Church, American Nationalism, and the Religious Right (University Press of Kansas 2016), she researches and writes...

Finally, An Evangelical Defense of Donald Trump Worth Responding To (It’s Still Terrible, but There It Is)

by Rodney Kennedy Evangelical Leaders Pray over Donald Trump. November, 2019. White House Photo. Rodney Kennedy has his M.Div. from New Orleans Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Rhetoric from Louisiana State University. The pastor of 7 Southern Baptist churches...