Sep 2, 2022 | Answers in Genesis, Anti-Intellectualism, Anti-Vaxxers, Ark Encounter, Climate Skeptics, Creation Museum, Creation Science, Creationism, Daniel Phelps, Journal of Paleontology, Ken Ham, Kentuckians for Science Education, Kentucky Paleontological Society, Natural History, Next Generation Science Standards, Paleontology Society, Science, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Tax Breaks, TIF Bonds, We Believe in Dinosaurs, Young Earth Creationism |
Strimple Award Winner Daniel Phelps. Image via the Journal of Paleontology. Daniel Phelps is a retired environmental geologist for the commonwealth of Kentucky. He has also taught part-time in Kentucky’s Community College system. Phelps is founder and president of the...
Aug 30, 2022 | 3 Quarks Daily, Adam and Eve, Allosaurus, Answers in Genesis, Association for Biblical Astronomy, Atonement, Biblical Authority, Biblical Interpretation, Biblical Literalism, BioLogos, Bryan College, Calvin College, Christian Colleges, Creation Museum, Creation Science, Creationism, Culture War, Darwin, Deborah Haarsma, Dennis Venema, Diorama, Dragon Legends, Evangelical Education, Evangelical History, Evolution, Flat Earther, Flood Geology, Genesis, Henry Morris, Historical Science, History, History and Politics, Hope Ministries, Institute for Creation Science, John MacArthur, Ken Ham, Martin Luther King, Jr., Museums, Natural History, Noah's Flood, Observational Science, Old Earth Creationism, Paul Braterman, Politics, Racism, Religion and History, Religion and Politics, Religion and Science, Righting America, Ronald Numbers, Safe Schools, Science, Scopes Trial, Six-Day Creation, Staring Points, Uncategorized, White Evangelicals, White Supremacy, Young Earth Creationism |
by Paul Braterman Editor’s Note: Below is Dr. Paul Braterman’s review of Righting America at the Creation Museum. For us, the best part of this generous review is that Braterman covers and understands all parts of our argument. More than this, we...
Jul 19, 2022 | Answers in Genesis, Ark Encounter, Biblical Interpretation, Biblical Literalism, Creation Museum, Creation Science, Cryptozoology, Culture War, Dragon Legends, Evangelical Education, Genesis, Hireath, History, History of Science, Ken Ham, Museum of the Bible, Natural History, Nazca Lines, Old Earth Creationism, Paul Thomas, Post-Truth, Pseudoarcheology, Reception Studies, Storytelling the Bible at the Creation Museum, Ark Encounter, and the Museum of the Bible, White Evangelicals, Young Earth Creationism |
by William Trollinger Book Cover of Storytelling the Bible at the Creation Museum, Ark Encounter, and Museum of the Bible (T&T Clark, 2020). Paul Brian Thomas is Professor of Religious and Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Radford. He...
Jul 8, 2022 | Answers in Genesis, Ark Encounter, Artistic License, Bible, Biblical Illiteracy, Biblical Interpretation, Biblical Literalism, Christian Right, Conservative Evangelicals, Creation Museum, Creation Science, Cryptozoology, Genesis, Inerrancy, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Museum of the Bible, Paul Thomas, Religious Rhetorics, Rhetoric, Science, Storytelling the Bible at the Creation Museum, Ark Encounter, and the Museum of the Bible, Young Earth Creationism |
by William Trollinger Note: The following is taken (with slight edits) from the original version of my review, which appeared in the March 2022 issue Journal of the American Academy of Religion. Full citation information and a link to the article is included at the...
Jun 9, 2022 | Abortion, Answers in Genesis, Apologetics, Ark Encounter, Ark Encounter Attendance, Baptist Without an Adjective, Beau Underwood, Bible, Biblical Interpretation, Biblical Literalism, Brian Kaylor, Chris Gehrz, Creation Science, Critical Race Theory, Culture War, D.G. Miles, Darwin, Euthanasia, Evolution, Fundamentalism, Gender Roles, Group Publishing, Inerrancy, Intersectionality, Ken Ham, Lifeway Christian Resources, Noah's Flood, One Blood, One Race, Pro-Life, Racism, Refugees, Religion and Politics, Religion and Science, Righting America, Southern Baptist Convention, Vacation Bible School, White Evangelicals, Word&Way, Young Earth Creationism, Zoomerang VBS |
by Brian Kaylor and Beau Underwood Editor’s Note: Rev. Brian Kaylor is editor and president of Word&Way – which we strongly urge you to support – as well as the host of the podcast, Baptist Without an Adjective. Today’s post appeared...
May 16, 2022 | Abortion, Biblically Consistent Curriculum, David Barton, Evangelism Explosion, Evolution, Fossil Fuels, Gay Marriage, Immigration, James Kennedy, Public Schools, QAnon, Racism, Rodney Kennedy, Safe Schools, Socialism, White Evangelicals, Young Earth Creationism |
by Rodney Kennedy Rodney Kennedy has his M.Div. from New Orleans Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Rhetoric from Louisiana State University. The pastor of 7 Southern Baptist churches over the course of 20 years, he pastored the First Baptist Church of Dayton...