Righting America

A forum for scholarly conversation about Christianity, culture, and politics in the US
Young Earth Creationism | Righting America

Daniel Phelps, Strimple Award Winner: Fighting the Good Fight on Behalf of Science, Reason, and the Separation of Church and State v. Young Earth Creationism

Strimple Award Winner Daniel Phelps. Image via the Journal of Paleontology. Daniel Phelps is a retired environmental geologist for the commonwealth of Kentucky. He has also taught part-time in Kentucky’s Community College system. Phelps is founder and president of the...

Science And Politics At The Creation Museum

by Paul Braterman Editor’s Note: Below is Dr. Paul Braterman’s review of Righting America at the Creation Museum. For us, the best part of this generous review is that Braterman covers and understands all parts of our argument. More than this, we...

Storytelling the Bible: An Interview with Paul Brian Thomas

by William Trollinger Book Cover of Storytelling the Bible at the Creation Museum, Ark Encounter, and Museum of the Bible (T&T Clark, 2020). Paul Brian Thomas is Professor of Religious and Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Radford. He...

Storytelling the Bible at the Creation Museum, Ark Encounter, and the Museum of the Bible: A Review 

by William Trollinger Note: The following is taken (with slight edits) from the original version of my review, which appeared in the March 2022 issue Journal of the American Academy of Religion. Full citation information and a link to the article is included at the...

Learning About Abortion at VBS

by Brian Kaylor and Beau Underwood  Editor’s Note: Rev. Brian Kaylor is editor and president of Word&Way – which we strongly urge you to support – as well as the host of the podcast, Baptist Without an Adjective.  Today’s post appeared...

A White Creationist Evangelical Arrives at the Gates of Heaven

by Rodney Kennedy  Rodney Kennedy has his M.Div. from New Orleans Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Rhetoric from Louisiana State University. The pastor of 7 Southern Baptist churches over the course of 20 years, he pastored the First Baptist Church of Dayton...