Jun 2, 2021 | Answers in Genesis, Ark Encounter, Creation Museum, Creation Science, Flood Geology, Genetics, Genocide, Historical Science, Mark Etter, Noah's Flood, Observational Science, Wickedness, Young Earth Creationism |
by William Trollinger Image from The Bible Panorama, or The Holy Scripture in Picture and Story (1891). Image via Wikimedia Commons. “Off the rails” doesn’t begin to describe the state of fundamentalist apologetics. Take, for example, young Earth creationism. Its...
Mar 29, 2021 | Answers in Genesis, Ark Encounter, Barry Hankins, Christian Nationalism, Christian Right, Christianity Today, Climate Skeptics, Conservative Evangelicals, Creation Museum, David Barton, Devil, Donald Trump, Evangelical Leaders, Evangelical Rhetoric, Evangelicals, First Baptist Church of Dallas, Franklin Graham, Fundamentalism, Islamophobia, J. Frank Norris, Jerry Falwell Jr., Jerry Falwell, Sr., John Fea, Ken Ham, Kenneth R. Miller, Liberty University, Pat Robertson, Paula White, Politics, Rapture Ideology, Religious Rhetorics, Rhetoric, Robert Jeffress, Young Earth Creationism |
by Rodney Kennedy Rodney Kennedy has his M.Div. from New Orleans Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Rhetoric from Louisiana State University. The pastor of 7 Southern Baptist churches over the course of 20 years, he pastored the First Baptist Church of Dayton (OH)...
Feb 26, 2021 | Adam Laats, Bill Nye, Creation Science, Creationism, Creationism USA, David F. Coppedge, Evangelical Education, Evolution, Henry Morris, Historical Science, Intelligent Design, Jerry A. Coyne, John C. Whitcomb, John Mark Reynolds, Ken Ham, Kitzmiller v. Dover, Martin Luther King, Observational Science, Paul A. Nelson, Religion and Science, Richard Dawkins, Science, Young Earth Creationism |
edited by William Trollinger Bill Nye – Ken Ham Debate. February 4, 2014. (Photo by Jason Aldag/The Washington Post) Two weeks ago we ran an interview with Adam Laats about his new book, Creationism USA. In response we received a set of questions for Adam from...
Feb 22, 2021 | Adolf Hitler, Answers in Genesis, Ark Encounter, Biblical Interpretation, Biblical Literalism, Camille Lewis, Capitol Riot, Christian Right, Civil War, Confederacy, Creation Museum, Darwin, Darwin-to-Hitler Trope, Donald Trump, Evolution, Insurrection, Ken Ham, Mark Noll, OathKeepers, Proud Boys, Racism, Righting America, Secession, Slavery, White Evangelicals, White Nationalism, White Supremacy, Young Earth Creationism |
by William Trollinger Supporters of US President Donald Trump protest in the US Capitol Rotunda on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC. – Demonstrators breeched security and entered the Capitol as Congress debated the a 2020 presidential election Electoral Vote...
Feb 12, 2021 | Adam and Eve, Adam Laats, American Creationism, Among the Creationists, Answers in Genesis, Bernard Ramm, Bill Nye, Capitol Riot, Creation Science, Creationism, Creationism USA, Culture War, Donald Trump, Evangelical Education, Evolution, Fundamentalist U, Genesis, Henry Morris, Higher Education, Historical Science, Insurrection, Jerry A. Coyne, John C. Whitcomb, Observational Science, Old Earth Creationism, Radical Creationism, Republicans, Righting America, Science, Trump Supporters, Young Earth Creationism |
by William Trollinger Book cover for Adam Laats’ forthcoming Creationism USA: Bridging the Impasse on Teaching Evolution (Oxford University Press, 2021) Adam Laats has established himself as a brilliant and prolific scholar who has produced such noteworthy works...
Jan 5, 2021 | Ad Hominem Attacks, American History, Answers in Genesis, Ark Encounter, Civil War, Confederate Statues, David Blight, Evangelical Education, Evangelical Youth, Fundamentalism, Fundamentalism and Gender, Gender Roles, Georgia Purdom, History, Jim Crow, Lost Cause Discourse, Reconstruction, Rhetoric, Righting America, Secession, Slavery, Visual Rhetoric, Young Earth Creationism |
by Susan Trollinger Statue of Robert E. Lee in Richmond, VA. Photo by Salwan Georges of The Washington Post (2020) The other day, I was reading David Blight’s fine book, Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory, in preparation for a project that I am going...