Righting America

A forum for scholarly conversation about Christianity, culture, and politics in the US
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Dear Williamstown: Sorry for Misleading You About Ark Encounter – My Bad! 

by William Trollinger Ark Encounter in Williamstown, KY. Image via JoeMyGod. It has been exactly ten years since Williamstown, Kentucky, underwrote $62.5m worth of bonds that made possible the building of Ark Encounter. This anniversary seems the perfect opportunity...

When CEO Ideology Trumps Climate Reality

by Christopher Cudworth   “Cause and Effect” – Artwork by Christopher Cudworth. Christopher Cudworth is the author of Honest-To-Goodness, Why Christianity Needs A Reality Check and How to Make It Happen, as well as  a memoir titled The...

Charles Darwin was Responsible for the Vietnam War?

by William Trollinger Photo taken by United States Army photographer Ronald L. Haeberle on March 16, 1968 in the aftermath of the My Lai massacre showing mostly women and children dead on a road. Image via Wikimedia...

The Nature of the Religious Right:  An Interview with Neall Pogue

by William Trollinger Image of Neall W. Pogue’s book cover for The Nature of the Religious Right: The Struggle Between Conservative Evangelicals and the Environmental Movement (Cornell University Press, 2022) Neall Pogue is an assistant professor of instruction...

How did I become a “Godless Globalist?”

by Rodney Kennedy  Advertising banner for RedVoiceMedia’s “ReAwaken America Tour”. Image via RedVoiceMedia. Rodney Kennedy has his M.Div. from New Orleans Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Rhetoric from Louisiana State University. He...

The Appallingly Bad History Promoted by Answers in Genesis

by William Trollinger Photo by Patricia Engler, via Answers in Genesis Sometimes this blog simply writes itself. A few weeks ago we ran a post on Kathleen Wellman’s Hijacking History: How the Christian Right Teaches History and Why It Matters (Oxford, 2021). In this...