Righting America

A forum for scholarly conversation about Christianity, culture, and politics in the US
Creation Museum | Righting America

The Creation Museum as Megachurch

by Margaret M. Grubiak Margaret Grubiak is an associate professor of architectural history in the Department of Humanities at Villanova University. Margaret’s scholarship, including her first book on the history of university chapels, focuses on twentieth-century...

Studying Religious Rhetorics in the Time of Trump and Kavanaugh: Part One

by William Trollinger On the Saturday that Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed by the Senate as the newest justice on the Supreme Court, it was energizing and therapeutic to be in the company of smart and gracious scholars devoted to studying and explaining religious...

Presuppositionalism, the Fundamentalist Bubble, and Donald Trump

William Trollinger The fundamentalist bubble is not simply a matter of separate schools, institutions, and media. It is also a matter of separate ideas that cannot be challenged or disputed or proven untrue. It is a matter of impregnable presuppositions. At the...

High School Students Trying to Understand Evangelicalism

by Susan Trollinger and William Trollinger Returning to high school was great fun! Last Friday we had the good fortune of speaking in Ms. Barbara Acker’s three Comparative Religion classes at Oakwood High School (just south of Dayton). We talked about young Earth...

The Specter of Jesus

by William Trollinger The fact that white evangelicals have given us President Donald Trump has forced a significant minority of American evangelicals into profound self-examination. Some are simply abandoning the label. One of the most prominent is David Gushee,...