Righting America

A forum for scholarly conversation about Christianity, culture, and politics in the US
Fundamentalism | Righting America

The Best of rightingamerica in 2022

by William Trollinger Exterior of Ark Encounter. Image by Susan L. Trollinger (March 15, 2022). It was another good year for rightingamerica, both in the variety of authors’ voices and topics, and in the number and variety of visitors/viewers. Regarding the latter,...

The Pain that Fundamentalism Produces

by William Trollinger Anti-LGBTQ+ Protestors. Image courtesy of Getty Images. I was not prepared for the level of pain, hurt, anguish. I should not have been surprised, but I was. It was the winter of 2004. I had been asked to lead the “Winter Weekend Intensive” at...

Fundamentalists, Tracts, and Operation London

by William Trollinger “Operation London” tracts. Photo via LivingWaters. What is it about fundamentalists and tracts? Is handing out little booklets to unsuspecting recipients really the best evangelistic strategy? What is the attraction? Most infamous are...

Security Personnel at the Creation Museum: Rhetoric of the Persecuted Christian Right

Jules Carr-Chellman Jules Carr-Chellman is an undergraduate student of Philosophy at the University of Dayton. Raised in Northern Idaho, he is now an honors student with research interests in psychoanalytic critical theory, social philosophy, and existentialism. As a...

American Lament: Navigating the Apocalypse with Michael Flynn and Oliver North

by Dominic Sanfilippo Dominic Sanfilippo is researching political and theological polarization, conspiratorial rhetoric, and emerging fundamentalist influences on American Catholicism while pursuing a master’s degree in theological studies at the University of...

The Gospel According to Ken Ham: Chapter Two

by William Trollinger Screenshot from Ken Ham’s Facebook page, with a quote from the Gospel of Matthew and linking to a Fox News story. Image via Facebook. One of the distinctive ways in which fundamentalists make use of the Bible is proof-texting, i.e., pulling...