Oct 31, 2022 | Answers in Genesis, Anti-Abortion, Ark Encounter, Biblical Interpretation, Biblical Literalism, Christian Right, Climate Change, Climate Skeptics, Conservatism, Conservative Evangelicals, Creation Museum, Critical Race Theory, Culture War, Facebook, Fundamentalism, Hell, Intersectionality, Judgment, Ken Ham, LGBTQ+ Rights, Noah's Flood, Parler, Proof-Texting, Righting America, Social Justice, Social Media, Statement of Faith, White Evangelicals, White Supremacy |
by William Trollinger Screenshot from Ken Ham’s Facebook page, with a quote from the Gospel of Matthew and linking to a Fox News story. Image via Facebook. One of the distinctive ways in which fundamentalists make use of the Bible is proof-texting, i.e., pulling...
Aug 26, 2022 | Abeka Books, American History, Ancient World, Answers in Genesis, Apostles of Reason, Aristotle, Biblical Authority, Bob Jones University, Capitalism, Church History, Civil Rights Movement, Evangelical Education, Evangelical History, Fascism, Fundamentalism, Fundamentalist Textbooks, Hijacking History, History and Politics, Kathleen Wellman, Lost Cause Myth, Martin Luther, Marxism, McCarthyism, Medieval History, Molly Worthen, Patricia Engler, Safe Schools, Secularism, Socialism, Thomas Aquinas, University of Dayton, White Supremacy, Women's Rights |
by William Trollinger Photo by Patricia Engler, via Answers in Genesis Sometimes this blog simply writes itself. A few weeks ago we ran a post on Kathleen Wellman’s Hijacking History: How the Christian Right Teaches History and Why It Matters (Oxford, 2021). In this...
Aug 17, 2022 | Adolf Hitler, American Creationism, Answers in Genesis, Anticommunism, Blackjewel LLC, Capitalism, Carl R. Weinberg, Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture, Conservatism, Creation Museum, Creation Science, Creationism, Darwin, Darwin-to-Hitler Trope, Discovery Institute, Donald Trump, Eugenics, Evolution, EvolutionNews, Fundamentalism, George McCready Price, God's Empire, Henry Ford, Henry Morris, History, History and Politics, Intelligent Design, J. Frank Norris, Karl Marx, Racism, Red Dynamite, Religion and History, Religion and Politics, Religion and Science, Richard Weikart, Trump Supporters, Wedge Document, William Bell Riley |
by Carl R. Weinberg Carl R. Weinberg is Teaching Professor in the College of Arts and Sciences and Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of History at the Indiana University Bloomington, where he is also the Director of the PACE Institute for Role-Immersive...
Aug 4, 2022 | 1776 Commission, American Exceptionalism, American History, Biblical Interpretation, Biblical Literalism, Biblically Consistent Curriculum, Capitalism, Christian Nationalism, Confederacy, Critical Race Theory, Culture War, Evangelical History, Fundamentalism, Fundamentalist Textbooks, Hijacking History, Historiography, History, History and Politics, History of Science, Kathleen Wellman, Lost Cause Myth, Makin v. Carson, Politics, Public Education, Religion and Politics, Religious Freedom, Rhetoric, Slavery, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Standards, Texas Freedom Network, Universal Healthcare, Western Colonialism, White Evangelicals, White Supremacy |
by William Trollinger Book cover for Kathleen Wellman’s Hijacking History: How the Christian Right Teaches History and Why It Matters (Oxford University Press, 2021). Kathleen Wellman is Dedman Family Distinguished Professor of History and Altshuler...
Jul 14, 2022 | 1776 Commission, Abeka Books, American History, American Revolution, Ancient Greece, Andrew Carnegie, Apartheid, Capitalism, Catholicism, Christian Right, Christian Schooling, Christopher Columbus, Communism, Enlightenment, Evangelical Education, Fascism, Fundamentalism, Hijacking History, History, History of Science, Isaac Newton, Kathleen Wellman, McCarthyism, Native Americans, New Deal, Racism, Religion and History, Rhodesia, Segregationist Chrisitianity, Slavery, Socialism, Twelve Stones Academy, William McKinley |
by William Trollinger Book cover of Kathleen Wellman’s Hijacking History: How the Christian Right Teaches History and Why it Matters (Oxford University Press, 2021) If you know anything about history, this post will make you laugh and/or cry. And/or make you...
Jul 3, 2022 | Abortion, Adam and Eve, Atonement, Catholicism, Christian Nationalism, Church and State, Climate Change, Climate Skeptics, Constitution, David Barton, Donald Trump, Evangelicals, Evolution, Feminism, First Amendment, Fourth of July, Fundamentalism, Gun Control, Harry Emerson Fosdick, Inerrancy, intolerance, J. Frank Norris, January 6, 2021, Kenneth R. Miller, Lauren Boebert, LGBTQ+ Rights, Liberalism, Prayer, Public Schools, Rapture Ideology, Religion and Politics, Religion and Science, Republicans, Robert Jeffress, Rodney Kennedy, Roe v. Wade, School Prayer, Science, Stewardship, Supreme Court, Tolerance, Trump Supporters, Women's Rights |
by Rodney Kennedy Book Cover for Fosdick’s Shall the Fundamentalists Win? Or, The New Knowledge and the Christian Faith. Image via Amazon. Rodney Kennedy has his M.Div. from New Orleans Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Rhetoric from Louisiana State...