Aug 30, 2024 | Ark Encounter, Biblical Law, Christian Nationalism, Culture War, Dan Phelps, Doug Wilson, Fight Laugh Feast, Heath Druzin, Jemar Tisby, Jesus and John Wayne, Ken Ham, KKK, NPR, Patriarchy, Public Religion Research Institute, Republicans, Second Ku Klux Klan, University of Dayton, Voting Rights, White Evangelical Racism, White Evangelicals |
by William Trollinger Screenshot of the Fight Laugh Feast 2023 Conference at Ark Encounter. According to the Public Religion Research Institute, 29% of Americans and 50% of Republicans are full-blown Christian nationalists or Christian nationalist sympathizers....
Jul 9, 2024 | A Gentler God, Answers in Genesis, Creation Museum, Culture War, Doug Frank, Evangelicals, Faith Statement, Hell, Judgment, Ken Ham, Martin Iles, Meghan Henning, Sin, Tim Challies |
by William Trollinger Image of an unhoused person, via And now, the final movement in my “Summer of 2024 Hell Quartet.” (For the first three movements, see: here, here, and here.) Ken Ham, Martyn Iles, and their compatriots at Answers in Genesis...
May 28, 2024 | Abortion, Answers in Genesis, Australian Christian Lobby, Biblical Literalism, Climate Change, Creation Science, Critical Race Theory, Culture War, Feminism, Henry Morris, Ken Ham, LGBT Issues, LGBTQ+ Identity, LGBTQ+ Pride, Martin Iles, Marxism, Motherhood, Overpopulation, Religion and Science, Young Earth Creationism |
by Paul Braterman Paul Braterman is Professor Emeritus in Chemistry, University of North Texas, and Honorary Research Fellow (formerly Reader) at the University of Glasgow. His research has involved topics related to the early Earth and the origins of life, and...
Mar 27, 2024 | Allosaurus, Answers in Genesis, Ark Encounter, Bill Nye, Creation Museum, Creation Science, Donald Trump, Flood Geology, Genesis 1-11, Henry Morris, Heritage USA, Jim Bakker, John C. Whitcomb, Ken Ham, Lighthouse Ranch, Noah's Flood, Reservations: The Pleasures and Perils of Travel, Righting America, Scopes Trial, Selling the Amish, Steve Burgess, The Genesis Flood, The Tyee, Young Earth Creationism |
Cover for Steve Burgess’ forthcoming book Reservations: The Pleasures and Perils of Travel. Below is an excerpt from Steve Burgess’ forthcoming book, Reservations: The Pleasures and Perils of Travel, which will be published by Douglas and McIntyre, and...
Feb 1, 2024 | Abraham, Ark Encounter, Biblical Interpretation, Biblical Literalism, Claus Westermann, Climate Change, Climate Skeptics, Creation Science, Flood Narrative, Fundamentalism, Inerrancy, Jennifer Mercieca, Ken Ham, Moses, Noah's Ark, Noah's Flood, P.T. Barnum, Progressive Protestantism, Religion and Science, Religious Rhetorics, Robert Cargill, Rowan Williams, Science, The Genesis Flood, Wilhelm Wundt, Young Earth Creationism |
by Rodney Kennedy Rodney Kennedy has his M.Div from New Orleans Theological Seminary and his Ph.D. in Rhetoric from Louisiana State University. He pastored the First Baptist Church of Dayton (OH) – which is an American Baptist Church – for 13 years, after which...
Jan 25, 2024 | Alex Mattackal, Answers in Genesis, Anti-Abortion, Ark Encounter, Ark Encounter Attendance, Camille Lewis, Cedarville University, Darwin-to-Hitler Trope, Discovery Center for Creation and Earth History, Emma Frances Bloomfield, Glenn Branch, Institute for Creation Science, Jeffrey Dahmer, Julie L. Moore, Ken Ham, Kent Hovind, LGBTQ+ Christians, Lionel Dahmer, Parenting, Rhetoric, Righting America, Rodney Kennedy, Tax Breaks, Taylor University, Thomas White, Williamstown |
by William Trollinger Image of student protesters at Cedarville University. Photo by Emilie Schulze. It was another good year for rightingamerica, both in the variety of authors’ voices and topics, and in the number and variety of viewers. Below are the top ten read...